DATE | April 19th, 2025
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker (via Zoom)
LOCATION | Meeting will be Hybrid via Zoom and South High Library, 3540 South High Street Columbus
SPEAKER | Kathleen Donnelly
TOPIC | Incorporating Four-Legged Detectives Into Your Books
From Lassie to Rin Tin Tin, canine characters have captured our hearts. The intrigue of a dog finding a lost person, buried body, drugs, bombs, or risking its life to protect a handler, has long been a source of fascination. Working dogs are showing up in crime fiction more than ever, but what is the real world of working dogs like? Discover everything from how a handler chooses their dog to training to real life scenarios searching with a K-9.
Attending Our Hybrid Meeting
Presentation is free for members and prospective members who have not yet visited for two complimentary meetings.
For those members who cannot join us in person, join us via Zoom. The password will be posted in the Central Ohio Fiction Writers Google Group, and on the Central Ohio Fiction Writers Facebook page.
If you are not a COFW member and wish to attend this presentation via Zoom, email
About Our Speaker
Award-winning author Kathleen Donnelly is a retired K-9 handler. She worked K-9s for a private company for 19 years. Her debut novel, Chasing Justice, won a Best Book Award from the American Book Fest, a PenCraft Award and was a 2023 Silver Falchion finalist in the Suspense category and Readers’ Choice Award. Her second book, Hunting The Truth, was the 2024 Pencraft Book of the Year, a Silver Falchion finalist and a Colorado Authors League finalist in the mystery category. She lives near the Colorado foothills with her husband and four-legged friends. Visit Kathleen’s website and sign up for her newsletter at, or find her on Facebook at, and Instagram @authorkathleendonnelly.